Monday, February 18, 2008

Goals in Life

Let's admit it. The majority of people at Block7rocks are OLD.

We will be graduating in a couple of months, so it shouldn't really come as a surprise that the senior members of the block( which includes myself) start talking about what we want to do once our undergraduate experience is over.

After a long a discussion, we have decided and come up with.....


What a great idea!! Who says we don't set great expectations for ourselves???

But then we realized that perhaps that was too much to ask of us, so we decided to just take over Singapore instead.

Now if you think that we are going into politics then you are wrong!

You see, we have carefully laid out a plan that will bring us to power in around 20 years, however I am not that stupid to reveal the detail here.

However, what I WILL reveal is the catalyst behind this plan.

You see, this all started when a particular member of block 7 asked us for some opinions about pursuing a certain career.

Lets call this fella: Jerry Ong

Claiming to be camera shy, this was the best photo I could get him to take.

So just what did Jerry want to be when he grows up?

Maybe the too many episodes of Prison Break and CSI had caused something to snap in his brain. Or perhaps the many hours of reading the right doings of Constable Ah Cai as child had trigger something in his subconscious.

You see, dear Jerry Ong wants to be a police man!!!!!!!! Yes a policeman!!!!!

Now, I'm sure most of you would think: "What's so funny about that? Nothing wrong with being a police officer."

Ah ha, but then you don't know Jerry Ong. ( If you did, you probably be laughing pretty hard right now)

Lets just say that Jerry isn't the sort that you would associate with upholding the law. Breaking, maybe if not highly likely. Upholding? No chance in hell.

Of course, being the kaypoh person that I am, I was interested in why he was interested in being a policeman, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH(Sorry, I just can't stop laughing at the thought of him as a cop)

Optimus: Eh Jerry, why you want to be a policeman?
Jerry: Stop calling me Jerry.
Optimus: Ok, Jerry.
Jerry: I said stop it.
Optimus: Ok Jerry
Jerry: Arghhh...Ok, fine.
Optimus: Ok Jerry, so why you want to be a policeman?
Jerry: You see hor, I want to work at the CID.
Optimus: Not a bad idea. Considering your tattoo, your hair, that you smoke and the way you talk, I can't picture you passing the interview to be a NORMAL policeman. Ahahahahahahhaha
Jerry: Kan ni nar
Optimus: So why the CID?
Jerry: Oh, this one I got give a lot of thought to it. Cos hor, then I can go and catch all the prostitutes. Then hor, they all sure want to bribe me, maybe with sex! Confirm zai.
Optimus: Ahahaha, you lao ti ko pei!!!
Jerry: Not finish yet. After that I can still go and pimp them!!
Optimus: Wahahaha. Brother, I fear for your future and the way I look at it, the future of Singapore as well!!

It was with that last line that started the idea that we should one day come to power. I will slowly leak out some hints on how we will go about carrying this monumental plan. Basically, it involves me becoming the head of a bank, Jerry becoming the Police Chief, Kiki becoming a lawyer, Daro becoming the Minister of Home Affairs, Bear(I will introduce him on the blog soon) opening the nightlcub called 'Heaven' or 'Tian Tang' in chinese, and most IMPORTANTLY, Coco becoming an Air Steward in SIA.

The last position regrading Coco may seem trivial when compared to the rest, but it is the very postion that MUST be secured in order to get the ball rolling.

With that, I suggest that all readers start treating us better if you see any of us in person.

Peace Out,
Optimus (soon to be be called King Optimus)

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