Sunday, February 10, 2008

KaraokEE: The People have spoken

Alamak. Not enough comments for dear Mr. Wong.

Well folks, it seems that goal of 100 positive statements was just a little too much for Kiki to handle.

He won't be singing with the Jam Band nor will be serenading to anyone. Which, come to think of it, may NOT be too bad a thing. Ahaha

Kiki would like to extend to his thanks out to everyone who left a positive statement.

He also would like to curse anyone who saw the video, thought it was good, but didn't leave a comment, that "May the fleas of a thousand goats infest your pubic hair".

"Thanks for ruining my chance at fame, thanks ah......" he was quoted saying.

Well, it seems this is the end of this chapter. On a side note, new posts will be up soon. I'm especially looking forward to bring to you the secrets of "Singapore Pie: The Naked Mile"

Tilll then, peace out,

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