Wednesday, January 30, 2008

KaraokEE: Is this off KEE? You decide

Hmm, well folks, it seems that I have finally received my first complaints. Two actually, and they both come from the same person. My roommate: Wong Kee Haw

Complaint No. 1: "I am not popular enough, not enough posts about me!"
Complaint No. 2: "All your posts about me have been negative!"

Taking this into serious consideration, today's post will therefore be about him.

Today, we, yes, that includes all you readers, will try to help Kee Haw finally Live His Dream

You see, ever since he was in year 1, it has been my roomie's dream to one day perfrom as the lead singer with Hall 2's very own Jam Band. Due to certain unknown reasons, he was only able to go for the auditions from year 3 onwards.

But alas! He was rejected last year, and this year as well! On both occasions, the Jam Band Head (who also happens to stay in block 7) cited the reason that he just plain wasn't good enough.

(Ok, what he actually said that kee haw was "bei gao gan")

Anyway, what right does he have to judge a person in this way and shatter a boy's dream in the process?

Therefore, I have decided to start a petition. A petition to allow my roomie to be the lead singer with the Jam Band before he graduates. For one night only, for one performance, for one song.

Here is a sample clip of Kee Kee singing a verse from "Still" by 98 Degrees

Watch the clip and if YOU think he's good enough for the Jam Band, leave a comment in the comments section of THIS post.

(I have set it such that ANYONE can leave a comment, even if you don't have a gmail or blogger account)

Of course, if you think he sucks, also leave a comment.

If I can amass more than 100 positive comments about Kee Kee's singing by next Wednesday, the Jam Band Head has agreed not only to just let him perform with them, but also to FULLY support Kee Haw's plan to go around serenading to all the girls in Hall this coming Valentine's Day.

So come on, what are you waiting for. Help Kee Haw LIVE HIS DREAM!!!

Peace Out,

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Tuesday Night Profiles: L'enfant terrible

Welcome to the 2nd installment of Tuesday Night Profiles where every Tuesday, an honorary member of Block 7 will be profiled for the pure amusement of this blog's loyal readers.

Alright folks, after a 1 week hiatus, Tuesday Night Profiles is back! This week's feature member is indeed a true blue block 7 alumni. He, however, turned his back on us for the greener pastures of Block 1 a year ago. Once be touted as the King of Block 7, he now resides happily in a single ( although mostly occupied by two people) room as he enjoys his retirement from this block's nonsense.

We the generous people of block 7, have forgiven his treacherous ways and are now proud to present to you the 2nd inductee to Block 7 Honorary Member roll.

Some say he once ate the entire menu of Can 2's Western food in one sitting and that if his has so much mass, that his body has it's own gravitational field, and moons, and satellites........

All we know is, he's called:

Name : Alvin Lim Ming Qing
Course : Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Year : Final Year
Hobbies : Eating, Rugby, Eating, Soccer, Eating, Sweet Young Things and Eating
Additional Points: Able to manipulate body size

Alvin, who is more endearingly referred to as Ah Lim, is secretly a member of the Akimichi Clan.

For those of you who do not watch the anime Naruto, being a member of the Akimichi clan allows one to change and manipulate the size of different body parts. (No dirty thoughts here ah, guys)

Here is Alvin's take at trying out that the same body part size technique. As you can see, being the amateur that he his, he takes some time to complete the skill and it seems he has only mastered changing the size of his face!

As usual, I took an opportunity to sit down and have lunch with Alvin outside Canteen 2 . This time however, I was also joined by two females, who just happened to be around, XXX and YYY as they shall be called. This is how the conversation went.

Optimus: Ah Lim, we sit down have lunch first, then later I just do a short interview.
Optimus: What's wrong?
Alvin: I damn stress...........I dunno what to eat!!!!!
Optimus: ............

10 minutess and a $ 3.30 plate of Chap Chai Peng later

Optimus: Ok, so let's get on with business, what have....
XXX: Oei, Alvin, what you doing for V-day????
Alvin: Wah lau, you all girls really gian flowers so much meh?
XXX & YYY: YAH!!!!!!!!!!
Alvin: Ask you all, you all prefer Ang Pao(red packet) or flowers?
YYY: I prefer flowers lah!
Alvin: But ang pao got money then can buy you flowers, but flowers cannot exchange for ang pao!!
XXX: AHAHAHAHHA.........( she started laughing like a hyena)
Optimus: Eh....can I have some attention here?
Alvin: Ok
YYY: (Points to the Hall Prod Banner outside canteen 2) Eh, your girlfriend got very long legs.
Alvin: Got meh?....she quite short leh.
YYY: Ahahahhaha
Optimus: HELLO!!!! Attention!!! ME!!! NOW!!!!
Alvin: want to eat dessert?...we try the new taiwan ice lah.

Note that at this point, XXX is still laughing like a hyena

10 minutes, 1 Mango Mania and 1 Milk Ice with Chocolate later

Alvin: Eh you know ah, it would be damn cool if you put use the Hall Production Banner and photoshop my pic into it, next to QQ
Optimus: Ahahaha, actually that would be quite funny.
Alvin: Oh shit...I am going to be late for class, i zao first.
XXX & YYY: BYE!!!!
Optimus: WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, in terms of an interview, that was as close to a complete failure as possible. Although we haven't been able to get a better understanding of Alvin, at least we do get a delightful little photo to enjoy.

Hopefully, next week's feature will be more willing to sit down and have an interview with me.
Tune in next week when we talk to the Honorary Member Number 3: Darrel Teo Wei Yang.

Peace Out,

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Transformation: Vendetta to be like Nakata Part II

Every Thursday we highlight a boy's dream to be like his idol. In the second installment of Vendetta to be like Nakata. Our protagonist, Hero, takes on the challenge of trying to sculpt his hair to a style similar to that of Hidetoshi.

Step 1

Use only Gastby brand clay. It's Japanese like Nakata, that's why

Step 2

Using many year of practice, Hero is able to scoop up the exact amount of clay each time. For those first timers out there, be warned, it may require a lot of practice before you can do it as well as Hero.

Step 3

Smear the amount of clay into the palm of your hand

Step 4

Rubs the palm of your hands together to evenly distribute the clay.

Step 5

Again using the palm of your hands, rub the clay into your hair, and not you scalp

Step 6

Using your fingers, scrunch your hair together.

Step 7

Use the tips of your fingers to 'roll' you hair into small spikey knobs.

Step 8

Apply the same technique as step 7, do your fringe in the same way.

Step 9

Again, using Gatsby Hair Spray to lock the style in place.

Step 10

The completed look.

Well, that's the end of this week's segment. Hero didn't mention to me what aspect of Nakata he will be emulating next week. So it looks like we will only find out next week. Till then.

Peace Out,

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This is Why We Rock

Corridor Cleaning, block 7 style

The video speaks for itself. Crank up the volume, sit back and enjoy the laughs.

Peace Out,

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Top 5: Worst First Date Songs

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and in lieu of that, here at Block 7, being the romantic people that we are, have come up a Top 5 list of songs that SHOULD NOT be played on a first date.

Without much further a due. Let's begin the countdown.

#5. "Every Breath You Take" by The Police

Do you really need to watch every thing your date does? STALKER! STALKER! If you listen to the lyrics with that in mind, it sure gives a new dimension to that song. Definitely not recommended.

#4 "When You Say Nothing at All" by Ronan Keating

Hmm...this one is a weird one. Personally, I don't see much wrong with this song. However, when a survey was conducted, 100% of the girls mentioned this as one of the worst songs. Respecting their choice, this is the 4th worst song to play on a first date. (if possible, can someone please let me know WHY this songs sucks?)

#3 "Ass Like That" by Eminem

Does your date REALLY need to know that you pee pee is going Doing Doing Doing?

#2 "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls

Even thinking about using that song for a date will result in condemnation for life. To think it took us years to finally figure out what this songs actually means!!!!

And finally, the WORST song to play on a first date:

#1 "I'll Make Love To You" by Boyz II Men

Even if that's on your mind, she doesn't have to know, you horny bastard!!!!

Peace Out,

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Remember, Remember, the 23rd of November

Eh Ba Geh, it's been exactly two months since you left, but it seems to have been so much longer.

I think if you could read all the nonsense I write in this blog, you would gan me saying I liao si kang, hahaahah.

SO.........amidst all the nonsense and rubbish, I am going to put up a serious post.

This one's for you my friend.

~In Memory~

Departed 23 November 2007
(While in service, Singapore National Dragon Boat Team)

If We Could Bring You Back Again
If we could bring you back again,
For one more hour or day,
We’d express all our unspoken love;
We’d have countless things to say.

If we could bring you back again,
We’d say we treasured you,
And that your presence in our lives
Meant more than we ever knew.

If we could bring you back again,
To tell you what we should,
You’d know how much we miss you now,
And if we could, we surely would.

- Joanna Fuchs

Rest in Peace my Brother

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Jay Chou once sang about a Secret That Could Not Be Told.

Like DUH!!!.... Of course it can't be told, that's WHY it's a S-E-C-R-E-T!!! (no offense to his fans, that was just to grab your attention)

Well, I on a the other hand, ironically have some Secrets that not only can be told, but SHOULD be told to the whole wide world.

This year's Golden Globes may have been canceled, but let me tell you who I think would have won the "Best Amateur Movie" category.

Now, I know what you all thinking: " That's sounds more like a category for awards in the Porn Industry!"

Yes, that's true, it does sound like it, and probably if you went and googled "Best Amateur Movie", you would get porn sites as your first 3 hits, of which the second would link to some home-made videos.......not that I did it, I swear!!!!!

Ok ok, back to the movie. Well, not actually a movie, but rather a play.

This seasons most highly anticipated, most highly acclaimed play finally hits our shores for 1 night only

Hall 2 'Verve' Productions

The team behind this play has been hard at work to bring you a stunning performance. However, even though opening night draws near, the entire crew has been hush hush over the entire play i.e. it's story lines, location, time and actual date.

However, here at, we have manage to persuade one of the top heads of the production into giving some tasty tidbits of the upcoming play.

Weijie (not his real name) is quoted saying that this play is "Full of sex, violence, lies and most importantly, Secrets, hence the title"

However, he wasn't willing to disclose anymore information, saying with a cok look on his face "The rest is a SECRET, ahahhahahahahhahahaa"

That was disappointing because he didn't tell us the following things:
  1. The play is on 2nd Feb, Sat at 7.30 pm
  2. Venue is at Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel
  3. The play runs for 1.5hrs with a 15 min interval
  4. Tickets cost $15 (Update it's $15, not $16 as earlier posted)
  5. It's free seating
  6. And that you can call Weijie (96827135) or Huangfang (90886530) if you have any inquiries or want to purchase tickets.
I also wished he could have told the synopsis of the actual story. It's too bad that he couldn't tell us that:

NTU Hall 2 Verve Productions


Secrets are meant to be kept from others forever. While people are drawn together because of the secret they share, it can also destroy everything including kinships and friendships.

A university undergraduate Lorene has a happy family and a wonderful best friend. One day, she discovers that she may lose her best friend unless she keeps the secret deep in her heart. Can she keep the secret well?

Just then, Lorene discovered a secret that could destroy her happy family. Can the scattered pieces of a happy family portrait be pieced back together again?

Hall 2 Verve Production presents to you an original story of family, friends and relationship - Secrets. Let us unravel the secrets together.

Damn, I so think that more people would be interested if he could have told us about all that. It's really is a pity he didn't.

Had he told me that, I in turn would have advertise that this is great play to go to.

I would have said to all the guys out there that if you have a girlfriend, bring her to this play. If there is a girl you like, ask her out to this play.

I would have also said to all the girls out there that if you have a boyfriend, bring him to the play (but make him pay), if there is guy you like, ask him out to this play(but make him pay).

See, I would have loved to tell all you readers this, but since he wasn't willing to tell us anything, I am deeply sorry that I can't. =(

All I can say is that everyone now has to buy tickets to find out.

Peace Out,

PS: For members of the public or non Hall 2 residents who wish to buy tickets, please do call either of the numbers mentioned above. They will make the necessary arrangements for you, which will most likely be collecting your tickets on production day at the door. Thanks for your patronage.

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It's Not Just About Being Naked


Almost 800 Hits, just a few more and this blog will be nearer to that goal of 10, 000, 000!!!!!!!!! Keep it up guys!

Well, first of all, apologies for the lack of post these few days. My computer was down and the other ass holes in this block, while constantly feeding me with new ideas, wouldn't lift a finger to even write even a single post amongst themselves.

As such, Tuesday Night Profile on Alvin Lim will be up on probably only in a day or two.

Next, after the post on Vendetta to be like Nakata, many queries have been brought forward with regard to his actual training program. Hence I would like to use this opportunity to clarify it up.

Of course, 100% of all questions asked were pertaining to the same issue. That is:

"Should We Carry Out These Exercises In The Buff, In Our Birthday Suit, Nude, Undressed or whatever other terms you have for Naked??"

Well now, the truth is that it is not just about performing the exercises naked. You see, what all of you have FAILED to notice, was that in ALL the photos, the DOOR WAS WIDE OPEN!!!

Yes, the open door plays a vital role in the training program.

By keeping the door open and being prone to getting caught with your pants down (literally), it's raises the heart beat as you are always kan cheong (nervous).

Furthermore, because you are kan cheong of getting caught, there is pressure to complete the exercises even faster resulting in a more intensive workout!

So, to conclude, Hero's training requires not only for you to be naked, but to have your door wide open and having your butt shown to the whole wide world as well!!!

I hope that clears up any doubts about the training program.

Also do note that that due to the overwhelming response to his training regime, Hero, with the help of Terry "Fox" Toh, will be conducting a Naked Mile Run. Interested parties may sign up for this ( In my own opinion, grotesque) event at 7-2-106

Do check back for more posts, they will be up soon.

Peace Out

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Reading through the tagbox, I notice that while many are enjoying the posts, many are bewildered or amazed by the amount of free time we appear to have. Since this is the starting of the semester, many of you are being blogged down by school and the many school/hall events.

Hence, you are probably wondering:

"How is it that those morons over at block 7 have so much time to do so much nonsense?????"

Well, let us speak to who we turn to when we here at block 7 face testing times, and the words he said to us when we too felt that there was too much to do and not enought time to complete them all.

"Ahhhh, words of wisdom, Young Padawans, have for you, I do!"

"Time is like Cleavege,"

"If you squeeze, sure have one!!!"

Peace out,

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Transformation: Vendetta to be like Nakata

Bend it like Beckham, Be like Mike....How often have we, as young hotblooded males, aspired to be just like our sporting heroes?

However, being the Singaporeans that we are, those dreams of glory, fame, fortune and wanting to be nothing but the best in the world have been replaced with the drudgery of lessons, tutorials, exams and FYP(Chao Ch** Bye)

But fret not, Oh Dear World, for there is one amongst us who has never given up on his dreams. A true believer. One who believes that the only people who are able to catch their dreams, are those who chase them.

And so, let us embark with this young man as he begins his journey to transform from zero to hero. A young man who shall only be known as Hero.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for


Every Thursday, we will hightlight the measures taken by Hero to be just like his idol, Hidetoshi Nakata. If all goes according to plan, our hero should be able to see dramatic changes in a mere 8 weeks.

This week, our Hero begins on his new and improved fitness regime to gain the muscle mass and tone similar to his idol.

Although Hero did not want to fully disclosed his entire exercise plan, he was willing to demonstrate for us some of the exercise that we in it; ala Men's Health Style.

The Push-Up

Position 1
Adopt the classic push up position. Making sure that the back is straight and feet are close together.

Position 2
Bring you chest to the floor. Hero suggest that you hold the position for 1 second to really fell the burn in the chest. Return back to Position 1

Repeat this exercise for 20 reps

The Dip

Position 1
Position yourself in as shown in the picture below. Make sure the arms are straight and you are balancing on the heels of your feet.

Position 2
Using the strength of your triceps, lower your body down as low as you can possibly go says Hero. This ensure a full range of motion for the targeted muscle group. Return to position 1, again, concentrating on using just your triceps.

Repeat for 20 reps

The Jack Knife

Position 1
For abs of steel, Hero suggest trying this exercise. Balance yourself on your butt while forming a V shape with your body.

Position 2
Using the power of your abs, pull your legs towards your chest. You may want to cup your ears to stay balanced. Return back to Position 1.

Repeat until failure.

The Face Pull

Our Hero does this exercise so that he is able to achieve the squinty eye look effect of Nakata.

Position 1.
Using just the
tip of your fingers, place them just at the corner of your eye lids.

Position 2

Pull back as much as possible and hold for 5 seconds.

Relax and return to Position 1. Repeat until eyelids are sore.

Note: The effects of this exercise has yet to be scientifically proven, and results may vary from person to person.

So as we can see, Hero is on his way to be just like his idol. He still has a long road ahead of him, but if he holds on to his belief he will reach his goal one day.

Stay tune next week when Hero tackles the issue of air'style, yes peeps, not hairstyles, but AIRstyles.

Peace out,

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Lobang: Free Kee-ses for all

On offer for a limited time only!!! While Stocks Lasts!!

Pay a visit to 7 - 2 -111 and be treated to a tube of facial wash absolutely FREE!!

In addition to a tube of facial wash, Kee Haw will be gving away free KEE-SES if you are a female. If you are a male, then it depends on how you look and how chee-KEE he feels at that moment in time.

So what are you all waiting for? Pop over now to receive your free gift before they run out!!!

Peace Out,

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just a few words from us to you

Ha ha, how about that.......We here at block7rocks have been pleasantly surprised by the number of viewers/hits that we have been receiving. We initially believed that the only people who would read or visit this blog would be ourselves. A pathetic but realistic expectation if you ask us.

So to visitors past, present and future come, a big THANK YOU to you all. We hope that you will continue to support us so that we may hit 10, 000, 000, well, hits!!! This was the magic number given to us. This blog would have to reach that amount of hits before it can even be considered to be linked to the Hall 2 blog.

Although I must say that there is a chance that this is all a big conspiracy to prevent the Hall blog from being associated with such a nonsense blog like ours. Nevertheless, we here at block 7 vow to press on to hit that goal. More rubbish and nonsense postings to come.

Next, I would like to address one or two issues.

First of course is that I hope you all will spread the news of this blog to all the many lovings members of this Hall. Your support is the driving force behind all this. =)

Secondly, and this is rather personal, is that of my identity. It seems some readers don't who 'Optimus" really is. Either that or you know my face but not my name.

Haha, that is not an issue with me but please DO NOT in any situation follow this woman (who stays in block 8 plays table tennis and is in JCRC but who's identity will be kept a secret who however in all other accounts is still a very nice person) and come up to me and say in my face "Your right?". WTH???!!!....ahahahha.

I would also like to point out that I will not be the sole contributor to this blog, check back soon for captivating posts by CoCoPops, JLO, Kiki and many more colourful characters from the cesspool that is block 7!!

Block 7 Rocks!!..... it really does you know........really..........Peace Out.
Optimus ( not laaaaaaah)

PS: Eh, Terry Toh, you say I put your monkey face up will get 1 million hits......PUI!!!! go look at the counter yourself and tell me what number is that. So until that happens,


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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Night Profiles: The Fox

Welcome to the first installment of Tuesday Night Profiles where every Tuesday, an honorary member of Block 7 will be profiled for the pure amusement of this blog's loyal readers.

We begin with perhaps the most outstanding name in the list of honorary members, as he is the only one that has never actually stayed in block 7. However, due to his many interactions with the numerous members of this block, it has been unanimously agreed that he will be inducted as an honorary member.

So with out any further a due, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the first inductee to Block 7 List of Honorary Members.

Some say that he was a failed experiment of the SAF's new super soldier program, and that his left testicle is the same shape as our island of Singapore.

All we know is, he's called:


Name : Terry Toh
Course : Mechanical Engineering
Year : Final Year
Hobbies : Impromptu Mayhem
Additional Points: Owner of Terry-Yucky Last Minute BBQ Service

Terry, better know nowadays as Fox, is a man of many faces. In a period of 2 years, he has manged to pull of so many changes to his physique that it would put some sliming centers to shame.

Take a look back at a picture of Fox 2 years ago,

Notice the incredible upper body development. He was able to pack on that amount of muscle in period of just 2 weeks. Many people have bugged him for his secret to his astonishing results over the years. but he has refused to give even the slightest of hints on all occasions. He likens his secret to an Agatha Christie novel, in that it will always be, a mystery. -__-"

As for the bad hair, sword and tiger print skirt, let's just say I am not at liberty to discuss what he does in bed.

Now, here's a picture of him a year later.

He has lost some mass in his shoulders, but his growth in the chest region has been phenomenal!! Just looking at the picture, his chest has expanded so much that he can't even put his hands together!!

And as they say, age makes one wiser. He has exchanged his sword for a much more practical weapon, a laser gun and opted for a much more sensible head gear, namely a helmet. Now he can wreck as much havoc as he wants and nobody will know his true identity. Truly a sign that he is maturing and coming of age.

Now, I had the privilege of speaking to Fox earlier in the day, and here is how the conversation went.

Fox: EHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Optimus: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh...ahaha. Oei, can I interview you for a while?
Fox: Kan ni nar, want to blog about me riggggtht?!
Optimus: Yah Yah, you popular leh.
Fox: Ok, sweee. Confirm after you post about me, will have a million hits on your blog.
Optimus: Ha ha, alright. First, let's get one thing straight, I am not your twin brother right?

Fox: Chee Bye, confirm not lah.
Optimus: Oh, Ok. (THANK YOU GOD!!!!)
Optimus: Next, what have you been up to of late?
Fox: Been trying my new concept service of last minute BBQ...I'm calling it Terry-Yucky.
Optimus: Terry-Yucky? Oooh, a pun on teriyaki. Damn smart marketing strategy.
Fox: Fucking zai right?
Optimus: Confirm. So what actaully is a Last Minute BBQ?
Fox: Simply put, is that if suddenly you have the urge to bbq. Give me a call.
Optimus: Wow, much prior notice do you need?
Fox: Half an hour can liao.
Optimus: That's very impressive. Would like to share with our readers any of your specialties?
Fox: The Terry-Yucky Chicken and Terry-Yucky pork. All I marinate myself.
Optimus: Sounds tasty...what is it that makes them so special then?
Fox: The marinade is a secret recipe, but more importantly, it is the way you caress the marinade into the meat.
Optimus: Care to specify?
Fox: It's like teh neh neh (squeeze breast) like that. You need to put feeling into it.
Optimus: Fantastic description. Truly worthy of someone like you.
Fox. Thank you.
Optimus: Alright, I think that's it for today. Thanks for your time.
Fox: Your welcome.

So there you have it peeps. A glimpse at one of our honorary members. Stay tune for next week installment of Tuesday Night Profiles where I talk to Alvin Lim AKA L'enfant terrible.

Till then, Peace Out.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Lobang: Mizuno Running shoes

Since this blog is all about sharing and caring, I hope that subsequently, anybody with a good deal will post, i.e, discounts, part time work etc etc, (canvassing DOES NOT count!!!!!!)

First lobang, Mizuno Running Shoes at 40% Discount.

Just to make things clear, I do no hold any profit from this, I'm just trying to help. Also, do not go around telling the whole world about this as I am not the middle man. It's just that my team has this offer and I am ordering it through my own name.

Both the picture and the price list are rather small, I will admit, but I think the price list is still readable. Note that you will be paying the SELLING price and from what I know, it is still cheaper than at Queensway

If you want to a better view/info of the shoes, click here.

To all the lovely ladies out there, I apologize as there are only a few models for females on offer.

Anyway, my suggestion is to head the any sports shop an try the model and size of the shoe you are interested in.

If you want to make a purchase, SMS me the model, US Size and colour (I don't have a list of colours, just see what is available on the website or at retail shops) plus your name of course. Payment only needs to be made when the shoes arrives. Don't ask me how long they will take to arrive because I don't know either.

Those who do not know who I am, ask around.

Peace out.

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Scientific Breakthrough: Alchohol as a drug

Recently, in order to make billions and one day rule the world, an experiment was carried out to see if alcohol, could be marketed as a drug to improve blood circulation.But before we could market it, tests had to be carried out to find out the effectiveness of the hypothesis. The results of the experiment are shown below.


(Note: Subject was given 1 shot only)

Here is an excellent example how alcohol improves blood circulation. The subject as you can see for yourselves, is showing a vast improvment in blood circulation, especially in the facial regions.

In fact, this particular test subject has been so responsive to the treatment that doctors are considering his condition ( i.e. high responsiveness) as a breakthrough in medicinal science.

They are naming his condition ALCOHOL LOSER-ISM. Doctors are still experimenting with how this may be used in the future, however, Dr. Tan, a leading expert in the field, was quoted saying "The future looks, well, rather ROSY!, ah ah ah, get it? ROSY! ahahhaha"

Who says block seven is only full of nonsense? Peace Out.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sex, Lies and a Videotape

Ok, I was lying about the sex and the video tape, there aren't any. But there will be tonnes of lies.

Anyways, welcome to the newest blog of block 7, where all nonsense comes together, and where intelligence is put to use in the most unintelligent of ways.

As this is the first post, I would like to introduce the main characters of the block.

However, we will referring to each member by room number, as this adds an element of mystery to us. =)

First, in room 7-2-105

Coco Nakata " The Underwear" Chua

Also, in room 7- 2 - 105

JLO!!! Check out the tattoo!
In Room 7-2-106

William (Enough said, a picture DOES paint a thousand words)

Li Gor
(I couldn't think of anything funny for the boring guy, so since he's on Skype 25/7, I'll just use this)
Next in Room 7-2-107

Tommy v4.7 ( 4.7 is not his version, it's his GPA!!!!!)

Kin "The Party Planner/Pooper/Organizer/Instigator/Alcohol inducer/Make people drunk and laugh" Sin
Next room in 7-2-108 resides two of the most popular guys in Hall 2

First, everybody's favorite fastest runner, too bad he doesn't go "Beep Beep" when he runs in real life.

His roomie, no prizes for guessing who this one is. =)
The tenants of 7-2-111

Brad Pitt's self proclaimed better looking brother. Check out the jawline.

Yours Truly.
Finally, in Room 7 - 2-112

CKS!!! aka Chia Kim SOCKS!!!!

Alright folks, that's it for the first post. Stay tune as more characters as well as honorary members are introduced. Peace out.

PS: This the dunno how many times that the Brad Pitt's brother has try to come up with a blog. Most have ended before 12 posts as the bugger just got too lazy. Hopefully this will be much more of a success as instead of 1 person blogging, posts can be contributed by any member in the block.

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