Bend it like Beckham, Be like Mike....How often have we, as young hotblooded males, aspired to be just like our sporting heroes?
However, being the Singaporeans that we are, those dreams of glory, fame, fortune and wanting to be nothing but the best in the world have been replaced with the drudgery of lessons, tutorials, exams and FYP(Chao Ch** Bye)
But fret not, Oh Dear World, for there is one amongst us who has never given up on his dreams. A true believer. One who believes that the only people who are able to catch their dreams, are those who chase them.
And so, let us embark with this young man as he begins his journey to transform from zero to hero. A young man who shall only be known as Hero.
Every Thursday, we will hightlight the measures taken by Hero to be just like his idol, Hidetoshi Nakata. If all goes according to plan, our hero should be able to see dramatic changes in a mere 8 weeks.
This week, our Hero begins on his new and improved fitness regime to gain the muscle mass and tone similar to his idol.
Although Hero did not want to fully disclosed his entire exercise plan, he was willing to demonstrate for us some of the exercise that we in it; ala Men's Health Style.
The Push-Up
Position 1
Adopt the classic push up position. Making sure that the back is straight and feet are close together.
Adopt the classic push up position. Making sure that the back is straight and feet are close together.
Position 2
Bring you chest to the floor. Hero suggest that you hold the position for 1 second to really fell the burn in the chest. Return back to Position 1
Repeat this exercise for 20 reps
The Dip
Position 1
Position yourself in as shown in the picture below. Make sure the arms are straight and you are balancing on the heels of your feet.
Position 2
Using the strength of your triceps, lower your body down as low as you can possibly go says Hero. This ensure a full range of motion for the targeted muscle group. Return to position 1, again, concentrating on using just your triceps.
The Jack Knife
Position 1
For abs of steel, Hero suggest trying this exercise. Balance yourself on your butt while forming a V shape with your body.
Using the power of your abs, pull your legs towards your chest. You may want to cup your ears to stay balanced. Return back to Position 1.
The Face Pull
Our Hero does this exercise so that he is able to achieve the squinty eye look effect of Nakata.
Position 1.
Using just the tip of your fingers, place them just at the corner of your eye lids.
Pull back as much as possible and hold for 5 seconds.
Relax and return to Position 1. Repeat until eyelids are sore.
Note: The effects of this exercise has yet to be scientifically proven, and results may vary from person to person.
So as we can see, Hero is on his way to be just like his idol. He still has a long road ahead of him, but if he holds on to his belief he will reach his goal one day.
Stay tune next week when Hero tackles the issue of air'style, yes peeps, not hairstyles, but AIRstyles.
Peace out,
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