Wednesday, January 30, 2008

KaraokEE: Is this off KEE? You decide

Hmm, well folks, it seems that I have finally received my first complaints. Two actually, and they both come from the same person. My roommate: Wong Kee Haw

Complaint No. 1: "I am not popular enough, not enough posts about me!"
Complaint No. 2: "All your posts about me have been negative!"

Taking this into serious consideration, today's post will therefore be about him.

Today, we, yes, that includes all you readers, will try to help Kee Haw finally Live His Dream

You see, ever since he was in year 1, it has been my roomie's dream to one day perfrom as the lead singer with Hall 2's very own Jam Band. Due to certain unknown reasons, he was only able to go for the auditions from year 3 onwards.

But alas! He was rejected last year, and this year as well! On both occasions, the Jam Band Head (who also happens to stay in block 7) cited the reason that he just plain wasn't good enough.

(Ok, what he actually said that kee haw was "bei gao gan")

Anyway, what right does he have to judge a person in this way and shatter a boy's dream in the process?

Therefore, I have decided to start a petition. A petition to allow my roomie to be the lead singer with the Jam Band before he graduates. For one night only, for one performance, for one song.

Here is a sample clip of Kee Kee singing a verse from "Still" by 98 Degrees

Watch the clip and if YOU think he's good enough for the Jam Band, leave a comment in the comments section of THIS post.

(I have set it such that ANYONE can leave a comment, even if you don't have a gmail or blogger account)

Of course, if you think he sucks, also leave a comment.

If I can amass more than 100 positive comments about Kee Kee's singing by next Wednesday, the Jam Band Head has agreed not only to just let him perform with them, but also to FULLY support Kee Haw's plan to go around serenading to all the girls in Hall this coming Valentine's Day.

So come on, what are you waiting for. Help Kee Haw LIVE HIS DREAM!!!

Peace Out,

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Anonymous said...

Kee, your damn good! honestly!

Jason Leong.

Anonymous said...

kee u r good!! yeahyeah!!

Anonymous said...

woahh ure good kiki !!! seriously :)

Anonymous said...

come on man....give tat boy a chance to live his dreams!

Anonymous said...

wahaha!! my my CGL u'r quite good!! come on people the girls are salivating alr!! let this dude sing!

Anonymous said...

go boss!!! =D

Anonymous said...

ya man! keehaw to SING!

Anonymous said...

how come haven 100 yet?? let kee singggggggggggg!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr CGL Sir, I support you!!!

Anonymous said...

so long liew, but still. go live your dream kee!