Monday, January 28, 2008

Tuesday Night Profiles: L'enfant terrible

Welcome to the 2nd installment of Tuesday Night Profiles where every Tuesday, an honorary member of Block 7 will be profiled for the pure amusement of this blog's loyal readers.

Alright folks, after a 1 week hiatus, Tuesday Night Profiles is back! This week's feature member is indeed a true blue block 7 alumni. He, however, turned his back on us for the greener pastures of Block 1 a year ago. Once be touted as the King of Block 7, he now resides happily in a single ( although mostly occupied by two people) room as he enjoys his retirement from this block's nonsense.

We the generous people of block 7, have forgiven his treacherous ways and are now proud to present to you the 2nd inductee to Block 7 Honorary Member roll.

Some say he once ate the entire menu of Can 2's Western food in one sitting and that if his has so much mass, that his body has it's own gravitational field, and moons, and satellites........

All we know is, he's called:

Name : Alvin Lim Ming Qing
Course : Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Year : Final Year
Hobbies : Eating, Rugby, Eating, Soccer, Eating, Sweet Young Things and Eating
Additional Points: Able to manipulate body size

Alvin, who is more endearingly referred to as Ah Lim, is secretly a member of the Akimichi Clan.

For those of you who do not watch the anime Naruto, being a member of the Akimichi clan allows one to change and manipulate the size of different body parts. (No dirty thoughts here ah, guys)

Here is Alvin's take at trying out that the same body part size technique. As you can see, being the amateur that he his, he takes some time to complete the skill and it seems he has only mastered changing the size of his face!

As usual, I took an opportunity to sit down and have lunch with Alvin outside Canteen 2 . This time however, I was also joined by two females, who just happened to be around, XXX and YYY as they shall be called. This is how the conversation went.

Optimus: Ah Lim, we sit down have lunch first, then later I just do a short interview.
Optimus: What's wrong?
Alvin: I damn stress...........I dunno what to eat!!!!!
Optimus: ............

10 minutess and a $ 3.30 plate of Chap Chai Peng later

Optimus: Ok, so let's get on with business, what have....
XXX: Oei, Alvin, what you doing for V-day????
Alvin: Wah lau, you all girls really gian flowers so much meh?
XXX & YYY: YAH!!!!!!!!!!
Alvin: Ask you all, you all prefer Ang Pao(red packet) or flowers?
YYY: I prefer flowers lah!
Alvin: But ang pao got money then can buy you flowers, but flowers cannot exchange for ang pao!!
XXX: AHAHAHAHHA.........( she started laughing like a hyena)
Optimus: Eh....can I have some attention here?
Alvin: Ok
YYY: (Points to the Hall Prod Banner outside canteen 2) Eh, your girlfriend got very long legs.
Alvin: Got meh?....she quite short leh.
YYY: Ahahahhaha
Optimus: HELLO!!!! Attention!!! ME!!! NOW!!!!
Alvin: want to eat dessert?...we try the new taiwan ice lah.

Note that at this point, XXX is still laughing like a hyena

10 minutes, 1 Mango Mania and 1 Milk Ice with Chocolate later

Alvin: Eh you know ah, it would be damn cool if you put use the Hall Production Banner and photoshop my pic into it, next to QQ
Optimus: Ahahaha, actually that would be quite funny.
Alvin: Oh shit...I am going to be late for class, i zao first.
XXX & YYY: BYE!!!!
Optimus: WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, in terms of an interview, that was as close to a complete failure as possible. Although we haven't been able to get a better understanding of Alvin, at least we do get a delightful little photo to enjoy.

Hopefully, next week's feature will be more willing to sit down and have an interview with me.
Tune in next week when we talk to the Honorary Member Number 3: Darrel Teo Wei Yang.

Peace Out,

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