Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Top 5: Worst First Date Songs

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and in lieu of that, here at Block 7, being the romantic people that we are, have come up a Top 5 list of songs that SHOULD NOT be played on a first date.

Without much further a due. Let's begin the countdown.

#5. "Every Breath You Take" by The Police

Do you really need to watch every thing your date does? STALKER! STALKER! If you listen to the lyrics with that in mind, it sure gives a new dimension to that song. Definitely not recommended.

#4 "When You Say Nothing at All" by Ronan Keating

Hmm...this one is a weird one. Personally, I don't see much wrong with this song. However, when a survey was conducted, 100% of the girls mentioned this as one of the worst songs. Respecting their choice, this is the 4th worst song to play on a first date. (if possible, can someone please let me know WHY this songs sucks?)

#3 "Ass Like That" by Eminem

Does your date REALLY need to know that you pee pee is going Doing Doing Doing?

#2 "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls

Even thinking about using that song for a date will result in condemnation for life. To think it took us years to finally figure out what this songs actually means!!!!

And finally, the WORST song to play on a first date:

#1 "I'll Make Love To You" by Boyz II Men

Even if that's on your mind, she doesn't have to know, you horny bastard!!!!

Peace Out,

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